Viewpoints in Køge
Køge has several viewpoints offering splendid views across the town of Køge and Køge Bay.
On a bright day, there is an incredible panorama view from the tower of Køge Church across Køge Bay and all the way up to Øresund Bridge. You could also have a try on the prize-winning footbridge to Køge Nord Station, which offers a unique view across Køge Bugt Motorway.
Køge Nord Station
Køge Nord railway station, a characteristic and architectural landmark for Køge and also the new gateway for travellers to Copenhagen.
The station bridge in Køge
Have a fine view across town, harbour and station from the Station Bridge. Also suitable for wheelchair users.
Roof gardens in Køge
The 3 roof gardens offer activity as well as recreation. Located on top of the stores in Rådhusstræde, the gardens are open to the public. A place for peace and quiet and also a playground.
Green embankments at Køge Marina
Climb the green embankment to enjoy a beautiful view across the sea. You should also climb the Havhøj Hill with a marvellous view of the town of Køge and its red rooftops.
South Pier, Køge Harbour
On the 888 m long pier, you will get very close to the sea and may be watching a large ship entering the harbour. Unique view of the town of Køge from the end of the pier.
Bird tower at Ølsemagle Revle
Ølsemagle Revle, noted for its rich bird life and many species of wading birds. Visit the view tower to watch the birds. Awesome view across Køge Bay.
Dyndet, west of Køge
Located in the beautiful moorland area, called Dyndet, west of Køge, is ”Badesøen” (Bathing Lake), bordered by high slopes and woodland. The slopes are the outermost part of the Køge Ås ridge. Climb to the top, from where there are stunning views of the moors and woods.